November 2, 2014

Shop Spotlight: Freshly Picked

So everyone who knows me, knows that I adore Freshly Picked moccs.  Not only are the super stylish but they are the only shoes I have found that stay on Kennedy's feet.

Susan Peterson, the founder and creator of Freshly Picked, started her company with only 200 dollars, after not being able to find cute baby shoes for her kiddos.  When I first found Freshly Picked, it was not a known company but over the past year it has grown so fast, especially after she was featured on the hit TV show, Shark Tank.

The moccs come in size 1 (3.60 inches) all the way to size 10 (7.34 inches).  Kennedy has been wearing a size 2 since she was born.  I always recommend getting a size larger so that the little babes can wear them longer.  With their unique design and the elastic around the ankle they stay on very well (except now Kennedy knows how to pull hers off).  With Kennedy being so small for her age, size 2s are still a tad big on her.  We currently own 12 pairs, a good mix of size 2s and 3s.

They are soft-soled and great for both infants and walkers.  Pediatricians recommend that kiddos wear soft-soled shoes because they are the closest thing to being barefoot.  They are made of real leather and now that Kennedy is crawling and starting to walk I am excited to see how they hold up under more wear and tear.

Freshly Picked has been launching their fall/winter line the past few weeks and if you haven't checked them out you totally should! They have some really great colors.  Our favorite currently is Merci, a great mix between chrome, platinum and white.  If you check out their Facebook page you may just find a giveaway or two happening.

So not only have I teamed up with Freshly Picked, but BabyLit, Pretend With Poppins, Noodles Boutique, and Love and Lullabies have also joined us to bring you a fun little giveaway!  Just enter with the rafflecopter below and good luck!

Until next time,